If you’ve ever wondered how to make dresser drawers smell good, you’re not alone. Furniture could give off a nasty smell, a common problem for homeowners. This musty smell is from the mildew in your dresser drawer or clothing. Mildew is a fungus or mold that can grow on primarily organic materials, like your Chestnut wood dresser. A few culprits of mold accumulation are moisture and humidity. While you can’t see mildew, the musty smell from your dresser drawers indicates that it needs a deep cleaning and a few odor absorbents. So if you want to know how to keep dresser drawers smelling fresh, here are 10 simple ways.

1. Clean your dresser drawers

A musty smell might accumulate over time and spill over to your clothes if you have wood furniture like the Pecan wood dresser or Andover oak dresser from our collection. So let’s start with a clean slate and empty your dresser drawers. If you must remove the drawers from the dresser, do so.

Wipe every corner with a damp cloth and air dry. This is also a way to ensure that the smell comes from the dresser, not from clothes or other elements left for an extended time.

2. Wipe with vinegar

Vinegar is a natural odor absorbent that can help keep dresser drawers clean. If you’re also wondering how to get wood smell out of a new dresser, vinegar does a bang-up job. Mix distilled vinegar with a quart of warm water. Apply the mixture on a sponge or cloth and wipe down drawer surfaces. 

Tip: Try wiping an inconspicuous area of your dresser to test if the furniture is color-safe. 

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3. Buy air freshener products

Buying air freshener products is the easiest way to keep drawers smelling fresh. You can find air fresheners in a sachet that can be hung or displayed in your drawer. Or you may go the old-fashioned way of putting mothballs in every drawer.

4. Drop essential oils on non-slip pads

Grab one of those non-slip adhesive pads you stick at the bottom of furniture legs. Drop some essential oil onto the pads and stick them on the sides of the drawer. Once the smell runs out, remove it and add a few drops again.

5. Place a bar of soap

Grab a bar of soap if you’re wondering how to keep dresser drawers smelling fresh using stuff you already have. Wrap it in a paper towel and place it inside your Weston dresser drawer with your clothes.

6. Use coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are natural odor neutralizers and quickly remove the nasty odor from your dresser drawers. Get a linen sachet and put dried-up used or freshly ground coffee beans. Place the sachet inside your dresser drawer to help neutralize the musty smell.

7. Spray with vodka

Pour vodka into a spray bottle and spray on your wooden dresser, like this Modway dresser from our beautiful collection. Vodka helps kill bacteria, which can also be the culprit of the musty smell. 

8. Spray perfume on cotton balls

One of the easiest tips on how to keep dresser drawers smelling fresh is spraying perfume on cotton balls. Put the cotton balls in a small bowl and place them inside your dresser.

9. Place a container of baking soda

Another simple way to remove the smell from dresser drawers is to place a container with baking soda. Baking soda is not only an organic cleaning agent but also a natural odor absorbent!

10. Tuck scented dryer sheets

Grab some scented dryer sheets and place them in your wood Americana dresser with your clothes. Keep it there until the smell runs out. Remove and replace with new dryer sheets to keep dresser drawers smelling fresh.